Wednesday, March 25, 2009


For today's post, your job is to describe as many internship tasks as you can. Since you began three Mondays back, what have you been doing? Paint a picture of a typical day in the life of an intern. What are you doing from the time you start until the time you leave? Are you working alone or with a group of people? Who are you working with? In what kind of space are you working?Turn your description into a short story, diary, or journal entry that creates a picture of the life of you, a high school intern.Use your journal entries from each day to make your story more interesting and full of details.Every Day in internship i learn many different tasks.first i start by writing the time and date that i begin to work. Then, some tasks such as making copies, help the principal of the school, and when necessary i deliver forms to assigned offices.One other task is to stuff envelopes with information and events to be sent parents. When necessary, I help the librarian. Other times, i escort parents to the office and i also deliver packages to other offices in the building.

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